RealPlayer Statement - one for all



What's the deal with the RealPlayer ( the free basic version ) its real
spyware or not ? Real Networks anouncend some time ago the removal of
the ugly things bundled , so my question is :

The last RealPlayer 10.5 build basic free version it is
spyware or not ? I'm very confused about this story . Ops , forgot to
ask about MusicMatch Jukebox too .Thanks for you time ...

Kind Regards,
Home Of Freeware

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André Gulliksen

The last RealPlayer 10.5 build basic free version it is
spyware or not ?

I don't care. And as long as there's a perfectly viable alternative
available (Real Alternative, see a recent post in this group) neither should


What's the deal with the RealPlayer ( the free basic version ) its real
spyware or not ? Real Networks anouncend some time ago the removal of
the ugly things bundled , so my question is :

The last RealPlayer 10.5 build basic free version it is
spyware or not ? I'm very confused about this story . Ops , forgot to
ask about MusicMatch Jukebox too .Thanks for you time ...

Kind Regards,
Home Of Freeware

[ and keep the freeware free ]

RealPlayer, like MS Player, 'phones home' occasionally to check for updates
and new codecs. MSPlayer has an option to switch the auto update off. I'm
not sure RP does.

My problem with RealAlternative is that it disabled RealPlayer from
loading. There were occasions where I actually needed RealPlayer. So RA
was not a viable alternative.

Media Player Classic has just released an updated version. The new version
will play some RealPlayer files, so that might be a better alternative than
Real Alternative.

Media Player Classic link:


Tomguy said:
RealPlayer, like MS Player, 'phones home' occasionally to check for updates
and new codecs. MSPlayer has an option to switch the auto update off. I'm
not sure RP does.

It can along with a host of other features can be disabled if one is a
afraid it might be phoning home. IIRC, adobe reader 6 used to phone home
but has since been taken out in version 7 (so far almost as fast as version
4 which I used for the longest time)
My problem with RealAlternative is that it disabled RealPlayer from
loading. There were occasions where I actually needed RealPlayer. So RA
was not a viable alternative.

I agree, sometimes you have no choice but to use the real thing. (no pun
Media Player Classic has just released an updated version. The new version
will play some RealPlayer files, so that might be a better alternative than
Real Alternative.

Media Player Classic link:

Will have to take a look.

Harvey Van Sickle

On 03 Mar 2005, (ProteanThread) wrote

I agree, sometimes you have no choice but to use the real thing.
(no pun intended)

Just curious -- what site have you found that to happen? (I've not had
any site, at any point, not allow me to use RealAlternative -- even the
BBC radio player is happy with it.)


Harvey Van Sickle said:
Just curious -- what site have you found that to happen? (I've not had
any site, at any point, not allow me to use RealAlternative -- even the
BBC radio player is happy with it.)

Because the number of and what sites I am allowed to visit while at work is
somewhat very limited, this would include Yahoo sties as well as those on
MSN, etc. (mostly your big name websites such as Yahoo or MSN) Thought it
might've been the firewall but these same sites at home there's only a 50/50
chance of success using RPA or QTA. So I just stick with the original
(disabling all codecs except their proprietary) players as needed.

Harvey Van Sickle

On 03 Mar 2005, (ProteanThread) wrote
Because the number of and what sites I am allowed to visit while
at work is somewhat very limited, this would include Yahoo sties
as well as those on MSN, etc. (mostly your big name websites such
as Yahoo or MSN)

Ah: thanks. (That explains it, as I don't think I've ever accessed
audio through those sites.)


André Gulliksen said:
I don't care. And as long as there's a perfectly viable alternative
available (Real Alternative, see a recent post in this group) neither should
I've found that JetAudio,, works as well as RealPlayer
without updating the registry every time it runs. I use it everywhere I
would have used anything "Real."

Sweet Andy Licious

André Gulliksen said:
I don't care. And as long as there's a perfectly viable alternative
available (Real Alternative, see a recent post in this group) neither
should you.

Have to agree, Real Player (and the Real Media Company) bought the farm for
me when they first started the phone home bizness. Real Alternative,
Jetaudio and even Irfanview (with the right codecs) works for me.

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