Fluffy Chick
I use Accoustica to mix MP3s into a continuous mix and then save them as
individual WAV files. After giving up on trying to find freeware CD burners
I found that Realplayer, which I already have installed, will do what I want
(ie NOT insert a 2 second gap between the tracks like Windows Mediaplayer
But I have one niggle. When you import MP3 files their title is displayed.
But when you import WAV files it says "untitled". Therefore it is not
possible to arrange them in the right order prior to burning them. Why is
this and how do I fix it?
I got around this by importing them one at a time so I knew which order they
were in but it is a little time consuming and one would think unnecessary.
Thanks for any advice you may be able to give
individual WAV files. After giving up on trying to find freeware CD burners
I found that Realplayer, which I already have installed, will do what I want
(ie NOT insert a 2 second gap between the tracks like Windows Mediaplayer
But I have one niggle. When you import MP3 files their title is displayed.
But when you import WAV files it says "untitled". Therefore it is not
possible to arrange them in the right order prior to burning them. Why is
this and how do I fix it?
I got around this by importing them one at a time so I knew which order they
were in but it is a little time consuming and one would think unnecessary.
Thanks for any advice you may be able to give