I have a USB flash stick which works ok but always prompts a message
"this device could work faster if" etc. I am told it's because the
flash stick is USB 2.0 but my Intel "USB controller" is pre that.
Depsite surfing the net, I am still unclear as to what this
"controller" is:-
1) Is it something on the motherboard?
2) Is it the version of PCI card (which houses my USB ports at the
back of the PC)?
3) Is it actually software not hardware??!!
If some kind soul could clarify which of the three, it would make my
options clear, i.e. new PC, new card, or just a driver download!
Thank you SO much in advance!
"A PC ignoramus"
"this device could work faster if" etc. I am told it's because the
flash stick is USB 2.0 but my Intel "USB controller" is pre that.
Depsite surfing the net, I am still unclear as to what this
"controller" is:-
1) Is it something on the motherboard?
2) Is it the version of PCI card (which houses my USB ports at the
back of the PC)?
3) Is it actually software not hardware??!!
If some kind soul could clarify which of the three, it would make my
options clear, i.e. new PC, new card, or just a driver download!
Thank you SO much in advance!
"A PC ignoramus"