If you have made a recent back-up with all your information or just the
info you do need,you can reset your accout and create a new one.
There is a hidden administartor account that can be accessed only in Safe
So,to get in Safe Mode,type F8 repeatedly while your computer is starting up
but before the Win Logo appears.Then ,you opens the BIOS menu and choose Safe
Then you'll see the Administrator account.It has either no password or its
password is blank.
So you'll be able to enter the PC.Goto Control Panel,create new account with
ADMINISTRATOR righs and re-boot normally.Access the new account and delete
the old one.Then restore your info from the back-up,if any!
download it from here:
If you would like to ask her more about this software,she participates in
Security Newsgroups.

Good luck !
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