Real-time Protection System Agents Checkpoints Error


gerry santos

I dont know if this really a prob but when I check my Real-
time Protection System Agents Checkpoints and look the
status, it's active but there's no list of checkpoints
displayed. Then it also displays '100 checkpoints on duty'
but when I check the list of checkpoints, there's nothing
on the list. This is weird. Is this also happened to you?
I already tried uninstalling, then re-install the program.
But the same error is occurred. I even try to install the
old versions but the same happens.

I hope you can help me. I'll appreciate it very much if
you can send your reply directly to my email. it's
(e-mail address removed)

thank you very much.

Bill Sanderson

Those are odd numbers, and odd appearances. Here's a first stab at this:

1) Open up a command prompt (start -> run -> cmd)
2) Type in the following "regsvr32 msvbvm60.dll" (without the quotes).
3) Close and re-open Windows AntiSpyware

Can you try that sequence and see if it does the trick?

gerry santos

hi bill

i didn't get the prob. what do u think is the prob?
btw, what's the use of regsvr32 msvbvm60.dll?
I'll try your suggestion later when i got home. coz i'm
still in the office. thank you very much again.
But what is supposed the number of real-time system
checkpoints with the latest beta version? as i said, mine
is 100. but i know it's weird. thanks again

Bill Sanderson

In every build I've ever seen, there are 3 agents, managing 59 checkpoints.

See if that does the job if it does not, and I'm not sure I'm on the right
track, I'd be inclined to uninstall, delete the installation folder
(typically c:\program files\microsoft antispyware) and its subfolders, and
then reinstall.


gerry santos

hi again bill

i already tried deleting the installation folder after i
uninstall the program. the i re-install the program but
the same happens...

any more idea?


Rebooting after uninstalling and deleting the
installation folder seems to help, at least it's helped
me and countless others in the past with nagging problems
with MSAS.

I think what might be going on is that there's a problem
with Real-time Protection loading at startup, leading to
the huge number of checkpoints. Was it exactly 100, or
was it about 118. If it was 118, then there might have
been a problem with the initialization of Real-time
Protection at startup, causing a "duplication" of

I think this has happened to someone in the past, and if
I'm not mistaken Andre Da Costa has replied to the post
about this. If so, could someone who knows more about
this issue elaborate on this thread?


gerry santos

i disable my MSAS when i boot my pc at msconfig. does it
matter? but the same thing happened when i enable in

thanks again....i hope this will be fixed soon. i'm
suspecting my MSAS doesn't work properly anymore and my pc
could be vulnerable to sypware.

thanks again...

Bill Sanderson

Terrific--'cause I read your other message and really didn't have any other
ideas, so I was stalled trying to think of something new.


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