Real newbie question - how do we know what table a form is built on?

  • Thread starter StargateFanFromWork
  • Start date


I've looked and looked and this is probably a really silly question but it
would be good to know how to see what the origin table for any given form
is? I'm customizing a db not of my own making and have trouble figuring out
which of 2 very similar tables one of the forms was built on. Tx.

Rick Brandt

StargateFanFromWork said:
I've looked and looked and this is probably a really silly question
but it would be good to know how to see what the origin table for any
given form is? I'm customizing a db not of my own making and have
trouble figuring out which of 2 very similar tables one of the forms
was built on. Tx.

The RecordSource property of the form indicates the current source of bound
data (which does not necessarily have to be a table). If the form is built
with one RecordSource and then this is changed, there is no way to determine
what the original source was (except from a backup copy of the file).


Yes, that's exactly it. That's the type of thing I was looking for but what
I couldn't find.

Where _is_ that RecordSource?? Every "properties" I could find didn't yield
that information before and I went again looking but it's just such a maze
<g>. Once I get a handle on visually where everything is located then my
visual memory will know and remember. Also, future logical deductive
reasoning should help me out there; but right not help says this type of
thing when one doesn't even know where that is <lol>. "RecordSource
Property"?? Okay, but where? <g> Tx much.


open your form in design view. press Alt+Enter, or on the menu bar click
View | Properties, or from the toolbar (usually the "top" toolbar, if more
than one is visible) click the Properties button - looks like a little hand
holding a sheet of paper. when the Properties box opens, look at its' title
bar. it will tell you what object you're seeing the properties for: Form,
Section: Detail, Textbox: <the control name>, etc.



I suspected as much. I was in the right place, somehow. But one of the
tabs is blank and I'm guessing that's where the vital information must be
since nowhere else have I found anything I see as pertinent. I know I could
be missing something ... Here's basically what I get in the properties:

Format tab:
Force New Page
New Row or Col
Keep Together
Display When
Can Grow
Can Shrink
Back Color
Special Effect

Data tab:
Nothing! Nada. (I think this is significant!)

Event tab:
(but that's related to scripts/macros, whatever they're called in Access,
right? Guessing this is not relevant as nothing looks appropriate.)

Other tab:

All tab:
Name ...... "Detail"
Force New Page
New Row Or Col
Keep Together
Display When
Can Grown Can Shrink
Back Color
Special Effect
On click (and other mouse movements)

Now where would the source table, or whatever as you've taught me, be listed
or alluded to? In all the above, I still can't see anything pertinent so
I'm guessing (guessing, mind) that it's that blank data tab??

Tx. We'll get to the bottom of this eventually <g>. :blush:D


you were looking at the properties for the Section: Detail - meaning the
properties for the Detail section of the form. a look at the title bar of
the Properties box would have clued you in to that.

open the form in design view. open the Properties box. look at the box's
title bar, it should say Form. (if it doesn't, then look at the form design;
see the blank gray box in the upper left corner, where the vertical and
horizontal rulers meet. click that gray box once. now the title bar of the
Properties box should say Form.
now check your properties for the RecordSource.


John Vinson

I suspected as much. I was in the right place, somehow. But one of the
tabs is blank and I'm guessing that's where the vital information must be
since nowhere else have I found anything I see as pertinent. I know I could
be missing something ... Here's basically what I get in the properties:

Format tab:
Force New Page
New Row or Col
Keep Together

It looks like you're viewing the properties of the Header or Detail

Instead of clicking on the "surface" of the form, click the little
square box at the upper left intersection of the rulers. This will let
you view the properties of the Form object itself.

John W. Vinson[MVP]


John Vinson said:
It looks like you're viewing the properties of the Header or Detail

Instead of clicking on the "surface" of the form, click the little
square box at the upper left intersection of the rulers. This will let
you view the properties of the Form object itself.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! No matter where I have ever clicked, I was always
getting the above details so I was ready to pull out my hair <g>. I tried
_everywhere_ in design view, in and around the form, on the title bar,
everywhere. No wonder I was never seeing this. I've never gotten those
property details that cameup this time. That little box is something I'm
going to have to flag in my mind and remember.

Thanks much! :blush:D

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