Forget the meager tweaks posting everywhere. This is a simple working
Shader mod for ATI that addresses one of the real problems why ATI cards
are underperforming in Doom 3.
Saw this and thought, yeah right, another tweak that does very little.
Big surprise though - this really made a VERY nice improvement overall.
Very nice smooth performance on high quality settings now with 9800pro
on P4 2.4 (400bus). Definitely improves frame rates, smoothness,
visuals, etc., with no sparkles or atifacting either. No more choppiness
when the big doors open on a new area with baddies leaping at you. Some
of the heaviest places and events in the game are now much, much
smoother. The actual frame rate increase is not large for me but
replaying heavy areas you'd think the frame rates had doubled! Amazingly
smooth. I've made a spare copy of the new pak000 on CD so I don't lose
it - it's now a must have.
A couple of tips - make a backup copy of the pak000 and store outside
the Base folder first. Also, before you start, go to My Computer, then
Tools, then Folder Options, then File Types, and create a new file type
called "VFP" and set it to open with NotePad (for example). Then use
WinRAR (if you don't have it you can do a Google search for it and DL
the freeware version - it's a puny DL), to follow the simple directions
for modifying this Shader. The directions in the article are simple and
completely accurate. Follow them and you're in business.
Get this in your Base folder. It's real.
Forget the meager tweaks posting everywhere. This is a simple working
Shader mod for ATI that addresses one of the real problems why ATI cards
are underperforming in Doom 3.
Saw this and thought, yeah right, another tweak that does very little.
Big surprise though - this really made a VERY nice improvement overall.
Very nice smooth performance on high quality settings now with 9800pro
on P4 2.4 (400bus). Definitely improves frame rates, smoothness,
visuals, etc., with no sparkles or atifacting either. No more choppiness
when the big doors open on a new area with baddies leaping at you. Some
of the heaviest places and events in the game are now much, much
smoother. The actual frame rate increase is not large for me but
replaying heavy areas you'd think the frame rates had doubled! Amazingly
smooth. I've made a spare copy of the new pak000 on CD so I don't lose
it - it's now a must have.
A couple of tips - make a backup copy of the pak000 and store outside
the Base folder first. Also, before you start, go to My Computer, then
Tools, then Folder Options, then File Types, and create a new file type
called "VFP" and set it to open with NotePad (for example). Then use
WinRAR (if you don't have it you can do a Google search for it and DL
the freeware version - it's a puny DL), to follow the simple directions
for modifying this Shader. The directions in the article are simple and
completely accurate. Follow them and you're in business.
Get this in your Base folder. It's real.