However my view is that if you have less than 2GB, you are better off
spending your money for more RAM than for a USB thumb drive for
Readyboost. So the result is that I'm essentially against Readyboost
for almost everyone.
Yes - from what I remember, using Readyboost with Vista was discussed here
at some length about a year ago and the consensus that emerged was to avoid
Readyboost and buy extra RAM. Some of us had our thumb drives made unusable
when we tried it. If you still want to have a go I suggest you retain part
of the thumb drive space for normal use so you can access the drive to
reformat it. I gave the whole space to Readyboost and although I could see
the drive in the Computer folder, when I tried to reformat it I got a
message something like "Drive not found". After wasting a lot of time trying
to resuscitate it I ended up consigning an almost new 4GB thumb drive (quite
expensive then) to the bin.