readyboost issue

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On my desktop, when I insert the usb key it detects the ReadyBoost. However
if I put it in on my laptop (that actually NEEDS it) it tells me that it
isn't capable.

On the desktop, when you explore the drive, ReadyBoost shows up, but it
shows an empty drive on the laptop.

Any ideas on why?
Carol in GA said:
On my desktop, when I insert the usb key it detects the ReadyBoost.
if I put it in on my laptop (that actually NEEDS it) it tells me that it
isn't capable.

On the desktop, when you explore the drive, ReadyBoost shows up, but it
shows an empty drive on the laptop.

Any ideas on why?

Try finding the drive in Windows explorer ( Computer ), right click, select
properties, select Ready Boost, select Use This Device.
Is your laptop port USB 2.0 capable? If not you can't use ReadyBoost.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
Yes. Brandnew laptop with Vista Basic (only got for email and google maps
when traveling)... from my understanding, USB 2 is the only requirement for
"Vista Capable" tagging and it came with V-B on it.

Would there be any settings that would prevent it from being detected? I've
checked and rechecked the autoplay.
Hi Carol

Not all USB flash drives are Readyboost capable. If the read speed is too
slow for example, then it won't be useable. It also has nothing to do with
price, the Buffallo for example available in supermarkets works on mine
(about £20 for 2GB) the 2GB more expensive brand (PC world 39.00) did not!
You have to shop around, there is an internet site with lists of ones that
work and that don't. Hope that helps.

If you look at my original post again... readyboost starts on one computer
but not the other. This drive was marketed with Readyboost and had a Vista
logo on the package. I'm not a novice.

Step by step, this is what happens...
1. startwindows
2. plug in usb drive
3. autoplay asks "speed up my system" (I click on it)
4. it attempts to use it
5. it brings up the properties for the drive and gives me the message "This
device does not have the required performance characteristics for use in
speeding up your system"

Is there a reason it would not detect the readyboost on one computer and not
the other?
Hi Carol

I am sorry, but I do not know. I hope that there is someone else out there
who has better technical knowledge. I am pretty new at all this and was
trying to be helpful.

Try this - when you attach it to your laptop - format the stick to its
defaults then take it out and plug it in again. If you remove it from the
desktop computer the ReadyBoost file stays on the USB stick so when you plug
it in elsewhere it will think the stick has a load of data on it already
thus it will fail the testing.
Carol said:
That's when it's telling me that it's not capable of being used that way.

Try reformatting it as FAT32 (even if its FAT32 already) that has
usually solved the problem for me