reading statements

  • Thread starter Thread starter mike
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how do you read statements?? i know you are to read right
to left.
Is it 'property.method.value'
is that how it is set up..what follows the period and so

where can i go to read up on the breaking down of the
statements to understand what it is asking?
-----Original Message-----
how do you read statements?? i know you are to read right
to left.
Is it 'property.method.value'
is that how it is set up..what follows the period and so

where can i go to read up on the breaking down of the
statements to understand what it is asking?

It is not so straightforward. You read left to right.
The first item on the left is the object you are referring
to (i.e. Worksheet, Range, etc.). After the period comes
one of the object's properties OR methods, or a child
object (for example, a Worksheet object contains any
number of Range objects). There can be many levels of
these steps, each separated by the period.

Any intoductory book on VBA or Visual Basic would be a
help; I also recommend you learn about the object browser
in the VBA interface, since it can help you see all the
objects, properties and methods of the application you are
working with.
object.object.method, or
object.object.method argument, or = value, or
variable =

Workbooks(3).Worksheets.Add Worksheets(1)
Workbooks(which workbook).Worksheets(which worksheet).Name = "SomeName"
variable = Workbooks(which workbook).Worksheets(which worksheet).Name

"methods" do things. Add, Save, Copy are methods
"properties" are characteristics. Color. Name, Visible are properties
you assign values to properties or read the properties into variables
methods sometimes return a value. Add often usually return a reference to
the thing added.
objects sometimes "raise events" - event handlers contain can code that
executes when the event "happens"

When you see Applies To in a property listing in Excel help, this is a list
of the objects that have that property. It also means that you need one of
these object in order to use that property. Workbooks have Names. Worksheets
have Names, etc.

Visible Property
See Also Applies To Example

When you see Applies To in a method listing in Excel help, this is a list of
the objects that have that method. It also means that you need one of these
object in order to use that method. The Workbooks collection can Add members
to itself. The Worksheets collection can Add members to itself, etc.

Add Method
See Also Applies To Example
thank you , very helpful
-----Original Message-----
object.object.method, or
object.object.method argument, or = value, or
variable =

Workbooks(3).Worksheets.Add Worksheets(1)
Workbooks(which workbook).Worksheets(which worksheet).Name = "SomeName"
variable = Workbooks(which workbook).Worksheets(which worksheet).Name

"methods" do things. Add, Save, Copy are methods
"properties" are characteristics. Color. Name, Visible are properties
you assign values to properties or read the properties into variables
methods sometimes return a value. Add often usually return a reference to
the thing added.
objects sometimes "raise events" - event handlers contain can code that
executes when the event "happens"

When you see Applies To in a property listing in Excel help, this is a list
of the objects that have that property. It also means that you need one of
these object in order to use that property. Workbooks have Names. Worksheets
have Names, etc.

Visible Property
See Also Applies To Example

When you see Applies To in a method listing in Excel help, this is a list of
the objects that have that method. It also means that you need one of these
object in order to use that method. The Workbooks collection can Add members
to itself. The Worksheets collection can Add members to itself, etc.

Add Method
See Also Applies To Example

-----Original Message-----

It is not so straightforward. You read left to right.
The first item on the left is the object you are referring
to (i.e. Worksheet, Range, etc.). After the period comes
one of the object's properties OR methods, or a child
object (for example, a Worksheet object contains any
number of Range objects). There can be many levels of
these steps, each separated by the period.

Any intoductory book on VBA or Visual Basic would be a
help; I also recommend you learn about the object browser
in the VBA interface, since it can help you see all the
objects, properties and methods of the application you are
working with.