From all the posts on this board, it appears that the designers of Windows
Mail either did not know or did not care how people use it in the real
world. There are lots of suggestions here for patches, work arounds, third
party software, installing both XP and Vista just to be able to use OE, etc.
Most of these suggestions are far too technical or expensive for the average
user. There is obviously a lot of dissatisfaction with the way MS built
this new mail system. If I accept the inevitable and move to Windows Mail,
I will need to archive all the OE folders I have created to store messages
and begin anew to create new folders in WM for future messages. But if I do
archive my OE messages, how will I be able to retrieve and read it? MS
apparently didn't think this would be an issue.
Mail either did not know or did not care how people use it in the real
world. There are lots of suggestions here for patches, work arounds, third
party software, installing both XP and Vista just to be able to use OE, etc.
Most of these suggestions are far too technical or expensive for the average
user. There is obviously a lot of dissatisfaction with the way MS built
this new mail system. If I accept the inevitable and move to Windows Mail,
I will need to archive all the OE folders I have created to store messages
and begin anew to create new folders in WM for future messages. But if I do
archive my OE messages, how will I be able to retrieve and read it? MS
apparently didn't think this would be an issue.