Hi Andrea,
I run your sample application and do see the problem on my side.
When I click the 'Read Async' button and navigate to a folder that contains
a .sln and a .xml files, the associated icons to the two files are the
standard blank icon.
However, when I click the 'Read Sync' button and navigate to the same
folder, the associated icons to the two files are correct.
I notice that when the application gets the associated icon asynchronous
using the SHGetFileInfo function, the returned iIcon memeber of the
structure specified by the psfi is of value 0, which is not correct.
public static Icon GetAssociatedIcon(string strPath, bool smallIcon)
int result = SHGetFileInfo(strPath, 0, out info, (uint)cbFileInfo,
if (info.hIcon != IntPtr.Zero)
retIcon = Icon.FromHandle(info.hIcon);
// when the SHGetFileInfo function is called by a thread
other than the UI thread, the info.iIcon memeber returns 0, which is not
int index = info.iIcon;
return retIcon;
I will go on the research and get the result back to you ASAP.
I appreciate your patience!
Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support
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