Allen Melendy
I need to read the sample XML data into SQL 7. Is there something wrong with
the XML file? I have tried every sample piece of code out there and I can't
get it to work.
I need to read the file into sql or dataset then move the file to another
folder then read the next file and so on. There may be up to 1,000 files to
<order number>90052</order number>
<ship method>express</ship method>
<name>Some Name</name
<street>100 Any Street</street>
<order items>
<order item>
<image url>http://www.someweb.com/filename</image url>
</order item>
</order items>
the XML file? I have tried every sample piece of code out there and I can't
get it to work.
I need to read the file into sql or dataset then move the file to another
folder then read the next file and so on. There may be up to 1,000 files to
<order number>90052</order number>
<ship method>express</ship method>
<name>Some Name</name
<street>100 Any Street</street>
<order items>
<order item>
<image url>http://www.someweb.com/filename</image url>
</order item>
</order items>