How can I run a System.IO.StreamReader on a text file that is in a zip file?
How can I run a System.IO.StreamReader on a text file that is in a zip file?
Check out ShapZipLib:
http://www.sharpdevelop.com/OpenSource/SharpZipLib/Default.aspx. It'll get
you as far as allowing to decompress zip files. From there you could write
your own class that would decommpress a file into a temp directory and open
a stream on it. You might be able by using the provided source code add an
ability to stream directly from the decompression routine, without an
intermediate file
regarding XCEED:
- works fast
- locks files; cannot zip same files second time before GC collects their objects
- issues SHARE_READ only, not SHARE_READ | SHARE_WRITE (this is when translated to win32 API. Another sort of trouble, yet arguable
- documentation sucks
- WHILE UNINSTALLS, removes .NET HELP COLLECTION. You will have to reinstall VS - at least in my case
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