Gunny said:
Using Outlook 2003, I am no longer receiving Delivery Recipts. I
was receiving them up to last week but no longer can get a Delivery
I made NO changes to my email, and it just stopped working for some
There is no point in wasting resources to send back delivery receipts
(a positive feedback). They already send back an NDR (non-delivery
report) for negative feedback. So many mail servers stopped bothering
with delivery receipts since it increases the resources they need to
use. NDRs occur only on some inbound mails but delivery receipts
would have to sent out for all mails if everyone asked for them. It
is sufficient to provide the negative feedback. You'll need to
contact the mail server admin for whatever domains to which you are
sending e-mails to ask them why they no longer provide delivery
receipts (but they're pretty busy with real work so you probably won't
get a reply, or you'll get a canned reply). If you don't get negative
feedback from your mail server (telling you that it could not send
your outbound mail) or negative feedback from the receiving mail
server then it's a good bet that your mail got to the receiving mail
server. A delivery receipt provides absolutely no proof that your
mail got to the recipient's mailbox.