Read Only restriction on Excel but not Word...Weird!!!



I have three computers on my home network, running 98SE, XP-Home and XP-Pro.
For some reason, the XP-Home computer's Excel files are only accessible in a
Read Only format on the other two computers. By contrast, that computer's
Word files are fully accessible and can be either edited or deleted from the
other two computers. None of the Excel files show Read Only in Properties
and the Excel folder and sub-folders are all marked to allow sharing
("Maximum allowed"), just as for the comparable Word folders. I don't think
I've done anything differently in setting up the access to the folders on
these two programs but the sharing clearly is different. How can I get the
Read Only restriction removed from the XP-Home computer's Excel files?

By way of background, the network is hardwired through a Linksys router, all
computers run ZoneAlarm firewall (Windows F/W is shut off) but the XP-Home
runs Norton SystemsWorks while the other two computers run AVG A/V s/w.

Thanks for any advice you have.

Michael W. Ryder

CMontalvo said:
I have three computers on my home network, running 98SE, XP-Home and XP-Pro.
For some reason, the XP-Home computer's Excel files are only accessible in a
Read Only format on the other two computers. By contrast, that computer's
Word files are fully accessible and can be either edited or deleted from the
other two computers. None of the Excel files show Read Only in Properties
and the Excel folder and sub-folders are all marked to allow sharing
("Maximum allowed"), just as for the comparable Word folders. I don't think
I've done anything differently in setting up the access to the folders on
these two programs but the sharing clearly is different. How can I get the
Read Only restriction removed from the XP-Home computer's Excel files?

By way of background, the network is hardwired through a Linksys router, all
computers run ZoneAlarm firewall (Windows F/W is shut off) but the XP-Home
runs Norton SystemsWorks while the other two computers run AVG A/V s/w.

Thanks for any advice you have.

Do you have the Excel files marked as protected inside Excel? Look
under Tools and Protection. If they are marked as protected they will
not show as Read-only but any program opening them will treat them as such.



Do you have the Excel files marked as protected inside Excel? Look
under Tools and Protection. If they are marked as protected they will
not show as Read-only but any program opening them will treat them as such.

Thanks for the response, Michael. But I've checked several files that I've
been using as benchmarks and none of them are protected when I check under

I should have mentioned that I'm using Office '97 SR2b. Anybody have any
other suggestions?


One reason for "read only" is that another instance of the Excel file is
open or in use.


AJR said:
One reason for "read only" is that another instance of the Excel file is
open or in use.

That may be a reason for "read only" to occur but it's not the case here.
I've tried all the simple stuff, folks. I think I need some help from
someone who really understands network access and file restrictions.

The thing that makes this so interesting is that I have full access in Word
and "read only" in Excel so I can compare settings, etc. to see if there are
any differences. But I can't find any!

Who's got a really clever insight?

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