"Read Only" Query

May 18, 2010
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When you create a form based on a Select Query, how do you ensure that changes you make to that form don’t change the tables that underlie the query?

Let me give you a better example. I’ve done a query of two tables, Customers and Addresses.

I’ve created a query called Trips which has a form. With that Trip form I need to add additional fields as well as make changes to fields from the Customer and Address table query.

What I don’t want is for the changes I make from the Trip Form to alter the default info from the Customer and Address tables. These changes are one time only.

In essence I want to “lock” the Customer and Address tables. I want to be able to read the Customer and Address records, even copy those records, but not actually alter or make those changes permanent within the underlying records.

I assume there is a “read only” feature for some fields.