Read Only Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter John G.
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John G.

Situation: Workgroup with WinXP only. One PC acting as a
server the others as clients. Shared folder on root of C:.

When I look at the Properties of the Shared folder it
shows the Read-Only checkbox as lite grey and I am able to
remove the Checkmark. I make sure the apply to all files
and SUB folders box is selected. I click Apply. I reopen
the properties of the folder and the Read-Only is still
checked. I have folder by folder done this and with no
change. Only one User at a time is able to access the
files in the Shared folder.

Please help.
Sorry John, I don't have a solution, but misery loves company. I am
experiencing a similar problem. I have files on a server machine that go to
"read only" seemingly without reason. My computers run 24/7 and something
happens overnight when nobody is logged in. I have found that if I reboot
the machine, the files go back to read/write.

I posted a message about this yesterday, but now I can't find it. I guess
it didn't make it. I will post it again. Maybe one of us will get a
helpful reply.

Hi John,

I think I found a solution to my read only problem. It was due to backup
routines not having enough space on portable hard drives and copies failing.
This somehow caused certain files involved in the failures to become read
only. (installed larger hard drives and I think problems are gone.) JJ
answered my other post with the following comments that may also be helpful
to you.


copy of JJ's post follows.

Seth, with the available information, I can only imagine these scenarios,
that you most probably already thought of:
- those files take an unusually long time to copy to the backup location
(are they always the biggest files in size?)
- an antivirus program did not complete an on-access scan (are these files
large ZIP archives? encrypted?)
- the files have a special extension that XP recognizes as system files
- somehow the indexing service keeps the files open longer than normal (???
are they humongous Office documents? encrypted?)
- the files are accessed from the outtside some other way, and that access
takes a very long time, or times out (are the files available through a web
or ftp site to the outside?)