John G.
Situation: Workgroup with WinXP only. One PC acting as a
server the others as clients. Shared folder on root of C:.
When I look at the Properties of the Shared folder it
shows the Read-Only checkbox as lite grey and I am able to
remove the Checkmark. I make sure the apply to all files
and SUB folders box is selected. I click Apply. I reopen
the properties of the folder and the Read-Only is still
checked. I have folder by folder done this and with no
change. Only one User at a time is able to access the
files in the Shared folder.
Please help.
server the others as clients. Shared folder on root of C:.
When I look at the Properties of the Shared folder it
shows the Read-Only checkbox as lite grey and I am able to
remove the Checkmark. I make sure the apply to all files
and SUB folders box is selected. I click Apply. I reopen
the properties of the folder and the Read-Only is still
checked. I have folder by folder done this and with no
change. Only one User at a time is able to access the
files in the Shared folder.
Please help.