Read Only Form Needs Editable Combo Box

  • Thread starter Thread starter Christopher Snider
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Christopher Snider

Hello Accessibles!

(using Access 2000 sp3 on XP PRO)

Banging my head against this too long and probably missing a key concept...

I have been trying to use a combo box as a record selection mechanism on a
read only form. In order allow the user to key in part of a value in the
combo box, it has to be editable. "Editable" in this context seems to mean
that 1) the user can edit the contents of the combo box and 2) underlying
field of the current record can be changed to reflect the value of the combo

I want the user to be able to pick from the combo box list or key in part of
the value and have the combo box list reflect this filtering. Upon picking
a value from the combo box list, I want the form to display the target
record on the form. No data changes or deletions (record or field level)
should be allowed.

I wish to view records, one at a time, from one table on a form. The table
has 5600 customer records with customer name (don't laugh) being the unique

Can you suggest a form design that uses the power of the combo box to select
from 5600 customer names and yet prevents corruption (changes) to the
underlying records? I suspect that some sort of independence between the
combo box data and the underlying table will be required.

My attempts have yielded combo boxes I cannot select from or record
navigation scenarios that leave a trail of corrupted records.

Thank you for your help.

Christopher in Silvana Washington
HI Chris

Leave the allow edit in the form to yes, and change the Locked property for
the form fields to yes

this way user unable to change any data in the form

try it, hope it helps


1. If the form is ReadOnly then make sure that you set the
AllowEdits, AllowAdditions, AllowDeletions properties to No.
2. If the comboBox is used for selection purposes only,
make sure that its ControlSource is blank.
3. In the comboBox's AfterUpdate eventHandler, place
filtering code to bring up the required record e.g.
DoCmd.ApplyFilter ,"{yourCustomerNamecolumnName = '" &
{youComBoxname}.Value & "'"

Hope That Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD