Read only files

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i have some picture files which have been set to read only(the block has the
square not the tick). i go in to the properties and untick the block close
the propeties file but when i open it up again it the read only block has the
square in it again. it is like the computer is not saving the settings. i am
also the admiistrator of the computer. Can anyone help out????
Hi ashka,

Are you messing with the attribute on each picture file, or on the folder
containing the image files? The "read only" attribute only applies at the
file level and is ignored by the system on the folder level (actually, what
appears to be a checked box is actually greyed out on folder properties,
unchecking it has no effect because the attribute does not apply at this

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -
it is actually the folder that has the read only square marked(contains a
green square in box). the actuals files(jpg) in the folder does not have the
read only box marked at all.

"Read only" as an attribute is ignored by Windows at the folder level, it
only applies to files. For why, read:

Unable to remove Read-Only attribute from folder

If you are unable to save changes to a file, you may not have sufficient
privileges to do so. Do not confuse this with attributes.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -