Read infomation om hard drive from an old Mac?...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peter Langåssve
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Peter Langåssve

I have an old SCSI hard drive from a Macintosh IIci, is it possible to read
the informaition from that disk on a W2K Pro?
I´m not talking about a network transfer, but to physicly install te´he disk
in the W2K machine...
Peter Langåssve said:
I have an old SCSI hard drive from a Macintosh IIci, is it possible to read
the informaition from that disk on a W2K Pro?
I´m not talking about a network transfer, but to physicly install te´he disk
in the W2K machine...

AFAIK, Microsoft hasn't supplied a driver for the MacOS filesystem in any
flavor of Windows. And neither has Apple. (I'd love to be proven wrong.
If anyone knows of a MacOS FS driver for Windows, please teach us.)

You might try one of the open source OS's, one of those might have a driver
that can at least read the MacOS FS natively.

Philip D. Barila Windows DDK MVP
Seagate Technology, LLC
(720) 684-1842
As if I need to say it: Not speaking for Seagate.
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Phil Barila said:
AFAIK, Microsoft hasn't supplied a driver for the MacOS filesystem in any
flavor of Windows. And neither has Apple. (I'd love to be proven wrong.
If anyone knows of a MacOS FS driver for Windows, please teach us.)

You might try one of the open source OS's, one of those might have a driver
that can at least read the MacOS FS natively.

Philip D. Barila Windows DDK MVP
Seagate Technology, LLC
(720) 684-1842
As if I need to say it: Not speaking for Seagate.
E-mail address is pointed at a domain squatter. Use reply-to instead.

Thanks! Good idea, I'll see if there is an Linux driver/app that will do
Anyone know if Knopix will do it?

Thanks! Good idea, I'll see if there is an Linux driver/app that will do
Anyone know if Knopix will do it?


Sorry, last Apple SCSI drive I put in a Win/AMD/Intel machine was an old
80meg and I LLFed it without looking in it first.
Go the Knoppix route; shouldn't take you but an hour of DLing/burning/booting
to see if it will take a look
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