Here is a short description from the help file.
You can set these properties by entering information in the Summary or Custom tabs in the
DatabaseName Properties dialog box or in a Microsoft Access database (.mdb), by using
Visual Basic.
Note The Database properties of a Microsoft Access project (.adp) are not available
using Visual Basic.
In Visual Basic, if a Database property hasn't already been set in the DatabaseName
Properties dialog box, you must create the property by using the CreateProperty method and
append it to the Properties collection of a Document object. With Visual Basic, you can
set the properties that appear on the Summary tab by using the SummaryInfo Document object
in the Documents collection. You set properties in the Custom tab by using the UserDefined
Document object in the Documents collection. You must supply a name, data type, and
default value for a custom Database property before you can add it to your database. For
more information, click Specifics in the Documents collection topic.
Note You can only enter or edit the properties that appear on the Summary or Custom
tabs. The other Database properties are read-only.