Ron said:
What is the VB equivalent of the READ...DATA statements in
I had the privilege to work with a man who as a graduate student was one of
the original writers of BASIC -- Dartmouth BASIC. Regrettably, time has
erased both his name and the name of the designer of BASIC from my memory.
He was one of a team of graduate students that wrote the first BASIC
interpreter. I learned from him a bit of history about the language.
It was designed to be a teaching aid. At that time the only programming
language was FORTRAN. If any other of you recall that language (it was the
first one I learned) you will remember that I/O was far from simple. In
fact, the use of I/O statements statements was a complicated area of the
language that required quite a bit of study to learn. As you might
imagine, this lead to difficulties in teaching fundamental programming
concepts. The instructor was required to provide "mystery" code that the
student would write into his program in order to do I/O. External files
were necessary (in a world where mass storage was at a premium). Hard to
The designer of BASIC wanted to invent a teaching language that taught the
concepts of FORTRAN (the "real" language) in a way that students could
readily grasp. One of the areas that was simplified was I/O. Instead of
having a separate file (as was required in FORTRAN) the data was put right
in the source code in DATA statements.
In addition to simplified I/O it was intended to run interpretively. One
entered the code on a terminal and gave the command $run. It would execute
line by line and stop with an error message indicating which line number
was in error. Output was generated right to the screen! This was a big
improvement over the more typical method of writing, running and debugging
programs. In that era the program was keypunched into cards, the cards
turned in to the lab to be run overnight, and the results returned the next
day. A syntax error lost the student 24 hours.
p.s. If you follow the history parallel, then, and want to recreate DATA
statements, any method that allows you to code the data in the source code
is the equivalent of DATA statements.