reactivate XP after BIOS update?



Today I decided to flash my BIOS today (NOTE: I am not looking for discussion
on the merits of doing so). Either way when i log into my user account on the
computer, I look in System Information, and see that XP needs to be
activated. This affects all but one of the users on my system.. My user
account is setup as a "power user" on the system. Is this a bug in System
Information or do I really need to reactivate? If I need to reactivate, how
do I do that?

System Specs:

Processor: PIII/733
RAM: 384MB
Motherboard: ABIT BE6-II
OS: Windows XP PRO SP2

If you need any further information, feel free to ask.


Administrator is the only user on the system not affected by this. Thus,
when I try your suggestion, while it is a good one, it tells me windows has
already been activated.


Matt said:
Administrator is the only user on the system not affected by this.
Thus, when I try your suggestion, while it is a good one, it tells me
windows has already been activated.

You can try to delete the wpa.dbl & wpa.old files, and see if that
clears it up.

Thems the breaks when using an OS that is copy-protected. Actually, it
could be much worse. You could be locked out of your computer due to a
failure in the copy-protection, instead of just getting an erroneous

And a BIOS update is not suppose to trigger activation, unless you have
a computer that is BIOS-Locked by you computer OEM, and you flash the
BIOS with a BIOS not from your OEM.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Steve N.

kurttrail said:
You can try to delete the wpa.dbl & wpa.old files, and see if that
clears it up.

Thems the breaks when using an OS that is copy-protected. Actually, it
could be much worse. You could be locked out of your computer due to a
failure in the copy-protection, instead of just getting an erroneous

And a BIOS update is not suppose to trigger activation, unless you have
a computer that is BIOS-Locked by you computer OEM, and you flash the
BIOS with a BIOS not from your OEM.

Hell, updating a video driver has been reported to trigger the
activation crappile.



Steve said:
Hell, updating a video driver has been reported to trigger the
activation crappile.


Yep. And NO DRIVER UPDATE is ever supposed to trigger Activation.

MS is sowing seeds that will be sown when Windows actually has viable
competion on the desktop for the masses.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

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