-½cut said:
Install it; go to the DOS prompt and type:
xxcopy /?
...and that'll give you a list of switches. Works with most DOS
Well, it's only a starting point.
XXCOPY /? will *NOT* show an exhaustive list of switches.
Rather, it gives you a very terse (short) list of popular
switches (which can be squeezed in the 25-line window).
But, on the last line of the page, it tells you to
visit the home page,
The best place to view the entire technical bulletins is
(Many people download it and keep it handy for off-line browse.)
To locate a feature you are looking for, the best page is
An alphabetical listing of the command switches is available at
But, having so many switches, the alphabetical listing is
pretty much a random list of switches which is not for
a comfortable reading --- who wants to read a dictionary
cover to cover? It's good for looking up a switch you want
to know more about.
Due to the very large set of command switches, we don't
recommend anyone to rely on the self-documentation that
is embedded into the program itself. You need to go to the
web site for better documentation.
But, if you are on the road, XXCOPY provides the following
set of self-documentation help:
1. XXCOPY /? // the shortest (25-line) help as a starting point
2. XXCOPY /HELP // (somewhat) logically organized full help
3. XXCOPY /HELPA // alphabetical listing of all switches
4. XXCOPY /HELPE // exit code (for ERRORLEVEL) listing
In addition, XXCOPY tries to lessen the "overloading" to the
viewer's eye by reducing the info:
5. XXCOPY (..command..) /? // quick (focused) help
E.g., XXCOPY /BI /? // focused help
It shows /BI and its closely related switches only.
E.g., XXCOPY /BI/R/Y/? // all related switches.
This makes the /? switch very handy. Just add /? at the
end of your full command line and you will get *ALL* the
related switches that are relevant to the command line.
6. XXCOPY /.. /HELP // alphabetical (sectional) listing
This is another attempt to reduce the help text.
E.g., XXCOPY /BI /HELP // sectional list
When /HELP is combined with another switch, you will get
the portion of the alphabetic listing that starts with the
first letter you specified (in the above case, switches that
start with letter B).
The large set of XXCOPY's command switches is really a burden
for a beginner. That is why we stick to the design principle
that XXCOPY's command syntax is essentially the same as Microsoft's
XCOPY (there are minor exceptions for improvements). The differences
between XXCOPY and XCOPY are spelled out in
So, if you are familiar with XCOPY, after reading this page, you
are ready to use XXCOPY. Then, at your own pace, you may learn
one switch at a time. Some switches are unique to XXCOPY and
quite nifty --- /SG, /SX are many people's favorite.
The wild-wildsource feature is also unique
The XXCOPY discussion group is where anyone (including freeware
users) can post questions. There are quite a few veteran XXCOPY
users who are eager to help:
You can look up all previous messages posted in the group in the
past two years which can be searched by keywords.
Finally, to make your life easier, you may visit the XXCOPY
home page at
http://www.xxcopy.com and...
Near the top of the page, you will find "SELF-HELP" button
with keyword box. Just throw in a few relevant keywords
and click the [Search Archive] button which will give you
a search result on the discussion group messages.
We are contemplating an idea of forming a newsgroup for XXCOPY
users later this year (maybe). But, I've seen that when someone
post a question in this newsgroup, most of the time (if not all),
someone provided reasonable help. I think this newsgroup is
very good at that.
I try to keep eye on questions posted in this newsgroup and
try to provide answer as much as I can (once or twice a week)
--- but, I just can't always be here on time. I pay more
attention to the XXCOPY (Yahoo) discussion group.
Kan Yabumoto
The author of XXCopy.