I had a program a while back that would allow me to fully rewrite over
my hard disk to erase data. Unfortunately I lost the program. Are
there any freeware programs that would allow someone to write multiple
times over a hard disk prior to reinstalling a operating system?
Sami Tolvanens' Eraser is simply the best. In fact, it's
"Q. How do I Erase all hard drives on my PC?
A. Eraser uses the 'Darik's Boot and Nuke' disk option to erase all
your hard drives.
To use this option:
1. Place a floppy (or CD) in your a: drive.
2. Click on the Start button and then choose Programs->Eraser->Create
Boot Nuke Disk.
3. Ensure 'Writing on Floppy' is ticked.
Tick 'Formatting' if your floppy needs to be formatted.
4. Click OK.
Result: Your Boot Nuke Disk has now been created.
5. Boot up your PC with the floppy still remaining in your a: drive.
Remember: If you wish to erase the Hard Disk of another PC, then bring
this Floppy to the PC, insert it into the a: drive and Boot it up.
Result: All drives will now be erased (including the Operating System)