John Doe
Purchased new mobo+2sata drives
created Raid array (striping)
Designated 400GB for XP partition
and 200 GB for Vista
Installed Xp, everything was fine
Installed Vista on the other partition, everything is fine with Vista, but Xp I can't log-in into
When I open Win Explorer Win XP partition is there as a separate drive (D
as it should be except I don't get choice screen
Actually choice screen kind of there, except it does not stop to let me do the selection.
I had to use Pause_Break key to stop it during booting, to see what it shows there.
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Purchased new mobo+2sata drives
created Raid array (striping)
Designated 400GB for XP partition
and 200 GB for Vista
Installed Xp, everything was fine
Installed Vista on the other partition, everything is fine with Vista, but Xp I can't log-in into
When I open Win Explorer Win XP partition is there as a separate drive (D

Actually choice screen kind of there, except it does not stop to let me do the selection.
I had to use Pause_Break key to stop it during booting, to see what it shows there.
A very confused post to say the least. Separate partition for Vista and
then installs over XP?
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------= Binary Usenet downloading made easy =---------
-= Get GrabIt for free from http://www.shemes.com/ =-