Ted Davis
I have a baffling occasional problem.
My machine loses the ability to start processes.
If I use Task Manager (right click in unused part of startbar to start),
I can see Mem Usage: increase from about 57000K to 115000K in 390116K.
The problem is not cleared by logging out - a reboot clears it.
I have stopped all startup processes on my machine and most services to
simplify the situation.
My conjecture is that CreateProcess is leaking some resource.
Any suggestions?
The 142 I occasionally see might be
The text on that message makes that seem doubtful
The system cannot perform a JOIN or SUBST at this time.
I found nothing relevant on that in MSDN.
Some failures this morning allowed me to construct the following model
script which fails on my machine. I have indented each line by 2 spaces
to allow line wrap to be shown:
@echo off
:: loop.bat
:: Dummy to cause my machine to seize - VM use increases. Machine stops.
:: Failures are mainly:
:: The system cannot execute the specified process
:: and occasionally
:: a MessageBox The application failed to initialize properly 0xC0000142
:: When Who What
:: 2003-07-05 W.Briscoe Original
echo hello > foo
:: Fails after 2130 echoed. Occasionally writes:
:: "The process tried to write to a non existent pipe"
for /L %%v in (1,1,32767) do echo %%v & echo F | xcopy /y foo bar > nul
:: Fails after 4227 echoed. Does not stop. Run with "loop 2>&1 | more"
:: for /L %%v in (1,1,32767) do echo %%v & attrib +r foo
:: Does not fail - internal command
:: for /L %%v in (1,1,32767) do echo %%v & copy /y foo bar > nul
Any thoughts on that occasional "The process tried to write to a non
existent pipe"?
You are using Windows. Reboot it when it does that. Get used to it -
it doesn't go away in XP.
Figure on rebooting
Win3.x - several time a day
Win9x - at least once a day
NT4 - every couple of days
W2k - once or twice a week
XP - about every ten days, unless you use it heavily.
Of course, if you do odd things in a CMD prompt, you may have to
reboot after every experiment.
If you don't like rebooting, don't use Windows for anything serious or
T.E.D. ([email protected] - e-mail must contain "T.E.D." or my .sig in the body)