RE>The KB942615 issue

  • Thread starter Thread starter Greg Bailey
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Greg Bailey

I'm having the same problems that so many others are having, and I have
looked at the posts here and at various blogs, I've looked at the updates
Microsoft has put out, etc. ... and I'm still at a loss as to the best way
to proceed here because it appears that there are three separate

1. I downloaded the hot fix that Microsoft put out that you were supposed to
use along with some registry edits, haven't run it yet.

2. I see that Microsoft released a workaround that just involves registry
edits. I have done registry edits before so I'm not afraid to do that, I
always back up my current registry before doing that in case of mishaps.

3. Some folks say uninstall the update, cut my antivirus (which is NOD32)
and firewall (the basic Windows XP firewall) off and reinstall it.

Well, there's actually a fourth, found a blog by someone named Jesper
Johansson who says he's a Windows security expert and has created a Windows
Installer program to fix the issue that's posted on his blog.

Which one should I do ... as in which is the simplest and easiest way to
remedy this problem that would be less likely to screw up something else on
my computer?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Contrary to what I posted earlier (thinking that removing add-ons to IE6
solved the problem - it didn't) I would do this registry edit first:

That *did* solve the application errors I was getting when opening IE6
after last weeks updates.

If that doesn't resolve the problem, then I would consider uninstalling
the updates.
OK, I did the workaround, edited the registry ... those who have posted who
are afraid to edit your registry, if you make sure and backup your registry
as the first step, to where you can undo anything you've done, and then take
your time and follow each instruction calmly and carefully and to the
letter, it should not be a problem, it's not like you're splitting an atom
or something ... and things appear to be fine now. However, just as I got
through with the registry edit, my Windows updater downloaded a fix for the
problem that Microsoft apparently has just issued. I canceled out of the
thing because I was concerned about running it after having done the
registry edit. Is it necessary to use the Microsoft fix too, or will the
registry edit I did be sufficient?