I have tried all you said and it don't work. Also i am on windows vista and i
think that this error should be fixed by microsoft since its there software
that isn't that good. I am about ready to delete this program and go back to
windows xp at least that didn't give as many errors as vista does..and you
pay for this and don't even get the fixes or updates to fix the situation
which has been going on for months now. please advise because it does screw
up your sending and deleteing stuff
think that this error should be fixed by microsoft since its there software
that isn't that good. I am about ready to delete this program and go back to
windows xp at least that didn't give as many errors as vista does..and you
pay for this and don't even get the fixes or updates to fix the situation
which has been going on for months now. please advise because it does screw
up your sending and deleteing stuff