From: "Gaz" <
[email protected]>
| Hi
| I managed to find full versions of these programs, but if they won't
| clean a "virut" I won't try them.
| What would you suggest, I'm just in the middle of trying the procedure from
| your claymania link, but it's taken 24 hours for stinger to scan all my
| files, I'll finish both procedures and report back.
| As a low risk virus I'm surprised how hard it is to detect and remove, (for
| good).
| I'll buy the program that fixes it if there is one, but I have lost all
| faith in these programs and there claims.
| Barry
The chances are you will have to wipe the PC and reinstall the OS from scratch.
However you can try removing the hard disk from the affected computer and placing it in/on
a surrogate PC.
Then use the McAfee module of my Multi AV Scanning Tool and use McAfee to scan the
affected drive in/on that surrogate PC.