I wanted to post a sky pic to
and they will only accept 750 X 375 images. On looking at
the resize after doing it in PSP as per your instructions, the resulting
image resembled watching a video formatted to your TV screen,
sort of like in letterbox.
The distortion in this case is minimal.
Thanks, Paul and Yves!
Your original size is 1280 x 960, therefore the aspect ratio is
The closest you could get was 500 x 375, the aspect ratio is 500/375=1.33
You want 750/375=2.0 aspect ratio. Impossible to do (resize) automatically.
If you want this exact number of pixels, you will have to crop manually and
sacrifice some areas of the photo (i.e., remove pixels), selecting only the
area of the photo you want to keep with the number of pixels you give
Very easy to do with Irfanview. When you start cropping (click on a stating
point and move your mouse pointer over the area of the photo you want), the
pixels will be displayed at the top of your screen as you move your mouse.
You don't have to worry about the exact number of pixels. When you have
about what you want, then move the crop lines to exactly what you want and
you then you save the cropped area as a new file.
The problem you are having is really not a resizing problem as such, rather
you want to change the aspect ratio of the image. More or less like trying
to fit a square peg in a round hole! Something has to give. You shave the
square peg so it is round and will fit. You crop pixels out of the pixel
area you want and you now have the exact number of pixels you want, at the
aspect ratio you want.