Wayne Wengert
I tried to post this about an hour ago but it never appeared on the NG so I
am trying again.
I have a set of aspx pages in which I am having some strange problems
relating to a connection. I'll focus on just one of the problems here. (See
code below). If I include the Close method for the connection as shown
below, the ExecuteScalar fails with an error that the connection is Closed.
If I comment out the Close, it works? I don't understand what is happening
================= Code =================
If CommonClass.myConn.State.Closed Then
End If
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "Select Count(BandID) From JudgeEvals Where JudgeID = " &
Session("CurrJudgeID") _
& " AND EventID = '" & Session("strCurrEventID") & "' AND BandID = " &
Dim cmd1 As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(strSQL, CommonClass.myConn)
Dim intRecCount As Int16 = cmd1.ExecuteScalar
CommonClass.myConn.Close <==== Problem here
If intRecCount > 0 Then 'This unit has already evaluate this judge at this
lblInfo.Text = "This band has already evaluated this judge for this event!"
lblInfo.Visible = True
Exit Sub
End If
am trying again.
I have a set of aspx pages in which I am having some strange problems
relating to a connection. I'll focus on just one of the problems here. (See
code below). If I include the Close method for the connection as shown
below, the ExecuteScalar fails with an error that the connection is Closed.
If I comment out the Close, it works? I don't understand what is happening
================= Code =================
If CommonClass.myConn.State.Closed Then
End If
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "Select Count(BandID) From JudgeEvals Where JudgeID = " &
Session("CurrJudgeID") _
& " AND EventID = '" & Session("strCurrEventID") & "' AND BandID = " &
Dim cmd1 As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(strSQL, CommonClass.myConn)
Dim intRecCount As Int16 = cmd1.ExecuteScalar
CommonClass.myConn.Close <==== Problem here
If intRecCount > 0 Then 'This unit has already evaluate this judge at this
lblInfo.Text = "This band has already evaluated this judge for this event!"
lblInfo.Visible = True
Exit Sub
End If