Arild Bakken
RPC: 135 tcp/udp
Netbios NS: 137 tcp/udp
Netbios DS: 138 udp
Netbios SS: 139 tcp
SMB: 445 tcp/udp
If you're using W2K domain for authentication you may also need:
DNS: 53 tcp/udp
Kerberos: 88 tcp/udp
LDAP: 389 tcp/udp
LDAP o/SSL: 636 tcp *
RPC AD: 1026 tcp **
Global Cat: 3268 tcp
GC o/SSL: 3269 tcp *
* may not be required
** requires that the AD rpc service is fixed to that port
RPC: 135 tcp/udp
Netbios NS: 137 tcp/udp
Netbios DS: 138 udp
Netbios SS: 139 tcp
SMB: 445 tcp/udp
If you're using W2K domain for authentication you may also need:
DNS: 53 tcp/udp
Kerberos: 88 tcp/udp
LDAP: 389 tcp/udp
LDAP o/SSL: 636 tcp *
RPC AD: 1026 tcp **
Global Cat: 3268 tcp
GC o/SSL: 3269 tcp *
* may not be required
** requires that the AD rpc service is fixed to that port