Re: OracleClient: What causes an OCIEnvCreate error?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Beauchemin
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Bob Beauchemin

This is most likely caused by one of:
1. Not having an Oracle client library installed
2. Not having the correct version of Oracle client library installed
3. Not having access for the user who is running the ASP.NET worker process
(ASPNET by default) to the file system location where Oracle client library
is installed.

Bob Beauchemin
Bob, Thanks for Replying!

I already granted "Users" Read & Execute on OCI.dll, version
(Located at C:\Oracle\Ora90\bin). ASPNET is a member of the local Users
group. Could it be a rights issue for ASPNET? Could the Anonymous
account be an issue?

I can connect to the ORA9iPE instance (Personal Edition) using SQL Plus
and Oracle Enterprise Manager. This tells me that TNSLISTENER is
working, and therefore OCI? How else can I test OCI?

Have there been issues with my version of the client?

BTW, I found the new System.Data.OracleClient. I guess I should keep the
Framework 1.0 installed, but should I try to remove the old
OracleClient? How?

Hmmm.... I'd grant ASPNET "read and execute" on *all* of Ora90 for a start
(your tnsnames in not in bin as an example). Just curious, why is OCI.dll (version 9.2) installed in a directory that implies 9.0? Did you
upgrade? Do you have multiple Oracle homes? The diff between 9.0 and 9.2
could be relevent.

As for new OracleClient data provider, you can run 1.0 and 1.1 side by side,
so you don't need to remove the old one. Just ensure that the one you want
to use is referenced in your project.

Hope this is helpful,
Bob Beauchemin

This line from my machine.config file,

<add assembly="System.Data.OracleClient,
Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />,

was added according to the sample's ReadMe (1.0 Framework). I was not
expecting to have to add it following the install of VS.NET 2003,
however, an error arised that said the assembly was missing.

I'm thinking I should edit this line for version 1.0.5000.0. How can I
determine the PublicKeyToken?

Also, when I try to run the more complex OracleClient sample, there is a
Reqistry Access Violation when the VerifyUser method of Nile.dll is
called. The source seems like it is trying to access the database, so
I'm confused. Does ASPNET need any special access to the Registry?

Any good references on this stuff?


Oh, two things:

1. JDeveloper 9.0.3 is installed.

2. I can't remember why the home is Ora90. I think that that was the CD

I'll let you know how changing the permissions goes. I've got to add the
assembly back in. (but Why?)


It is working!

I added this line from my v1.1.4322 machine.config file,

<add assembly="System.Data.OracleClient,
Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />,

and I granted "Users" Read & Execute to my Ora_Home directory, Ora90.

Thanks for your help!
