Steve Schapel
Your syntax of =[txtLookupNum] is correct and should work ok.
However, you would need to use a GoToControl action before the
FindRecord action to set the focus to the control on the form which is
bound to the field whose value you are looking up.
- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
However, you would need to use a GoToControl action before the
FindRecord action to set the focus to the control on the form which is
bound to the field whose value you are looking up.
- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
not 100% sure but .... try putting in the full forms
reference to the control that has the value....
-----Original Message-----
I am trying to use a macro to "findrecord"
i have a cmd button that calls the macro to find a record
in a table
if i put my string into the "Find What" part of the
macro, the focus goes to that matching record (which is
what i want to happen) however, i want the "Find What"
part to check a textbox and look for that string
if i put =[txtLookupNum] in the "Find What" part, it
doesn't work.
my deadline is approaching to quickly
i am linking to a oracle db table and the table imports
fine and all the records can be navigated through via the
control at the bottom of my form. however i need to be
able to search a reference field and display the matching
record. if there is a better way, please let me know