Re: looking for "xmove"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jonathan de Boyne Pollard
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Jonathan de Boyne Pollard

I would like to move files and subdirectories to a directory above without overwriting existing files.
Is that possible and easy to do with a batch?

It's another one-liner with some command interpreters:

move /r /s * ..\

In fact, it's a choice of one-liners, depending from whether one wants the source directory hierarchy preserved in the target:

global ren * d:\target\*

See MOVE, RENAME, and GLOBAL for details.
Jonathan said:
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15"
body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"

*** Please don't post html to text newsgroups!

p wrap=""I would like to move files and subdirectories to a
directory above emwithout/em overwriting existing
Is that possible and easy to do with a batch?br

*** Try MOVE with the /R and /S switches.

You can also set the "CopyPrompt" directive in 4DOS.INI to prompt
whether a file is to be overwritten or not.

You can use XXCOPY. It has a larger variety of switches that can tailor
the command to be very precise in what it does.

One or more links to websites
for the referred program(s)
can be found at:
Oh when will the world be rid of [would-be] control freaks?!

Some very respectable people including some MVPs have posted to these groups in

There's nothing wrong in doing it!


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)
Tim said:
Oh when will the world be rid of [would-be] control freaks?!
Some very respectable people including some MVPs have posted to these
groups in > HTML...
There's nothing wrong in doing it!
Tim Meddick

*** I am afraid that there is. These are *text* newsgroups, not
Internet forums. Those with readers set to text will see a lot of html
code as will be demonstrated with the next post.

Plus, some news servers *delete* binary and html posts, so some will
will not see them in any format.

MIME/HTML messages exist, so Thunder·Bird·3 is the better user·agent;
you'd be quite LIMITED if you user·agent (or server) didn't handle it.

I'm talking “ Content-Type: text/HTML â€, not “ multipart/alternative â€.
<A href="http://Glorb.COM/usenet.php/">Glorb's NNTP server</A>, unfiltered version, is only 10 dollars per YEAR;
it allows “Simple·HTML†posting.

By “Simple·HTML†I mean a < PRE> tag with a few < A> tags,
NOTHING MORE ( like this post, simple tags a blogger might add )
― it's simple, mono·spaced and “attachment·freeâ€;
JeffRelf.F-M.FM  @. said:

MIME/HTML messages exist, so Thunder·Bird·3 is the better user·agent;
you'd be quite LIMITED if you user·agent (or server) didn't handle it.
I'm talking “ Content-Type: text/HTML â#$$€, not “-- multipart/alternative â€.
A href="http://Glorb.COM/usenet.php/"Glorb's NNTP server/A, unfiltered version, is only 10 dollars per YEAR;
it allows “%%))Simple·HTML†posting.
By “%%))Simple·HTML†I mean a PRE tag with a few A tags,
NOTHING MORE ( like this post, simple tags a blogger might add )
― it's simple, mono·spaced and “attachment·freeâ€;

*** As you can see, your simple tags look like crap. Please don't post
html to *text* newgroups.

While you are at it, please set your margin to 75 and use an ISO 8859

I see your suffering, Richard•Bonner.
Is there some reason you can't use an HTML/UTF·8/MIME·aware user·agent ?

Jonathan•de•Boyne•Pollard has eloquently stated the issue; see:

While I write mono·spaced, UserAgents ( Google Groups, Outlook, etc. )
usually default to proportional text... “ What is a girl to do ? â€.

“ Content-Type: text/HTML †and the <PRE> tag is a SIMPLE solution.

I'm glad that you ( Steve•Fabian ) know how to display monospaced but
what about the MANY others ( e.g. Googlers ) who aren't so crafty ?

Without the < PRE> tag, most of them would see the following
in a proportional font:
[ from <A hRef="">X.CPP, Micro·Soft Visual C++ 9.0</A> ]

#define szStr wcslen
// Given the Beginning of a string (“Bâ€), run a pointer (“Pâ€)
// backwards ( from E to B ) while “Should_Loop†is true.
// “!Ch†is true if P has run past B ( going backwards ).
#define WhileBac( Should_Loop ) \
Ch = Ch2 = 0; if ( !E ) E = B + szStr( B ); P = E ; \
while ( P >= B && \
( Ch2 = *P, ( Ch = --P < B ? 0 : *P ) && ( Should_Loop ) ) )

typedef wchar_t *LnP ; int Ch, Ch2 ;

// g·mID( B, P, E ) gets the last mID in the “References:†line.
// B points to the Beginning of data in the line.
// E points to the latter part of this line, at the end of an mID.
// P starts at E and gets moved one or two mID to the left,
// to the start of an mID.
int sz·mID ;
int g·mID( LnP B, LnP &P, LnP &E ) { int â°â±, cnt·At ;

nx·mID: cnt·At = sz·mID = 0 ;
WhileBac( Ch <= 32 || Ch == ',' );
if ( !Ch )
// No more MIDs on the line.
return 0 ;

E = P ;

if ( !( â°â± = Ch == '>' ) )
// Google Groups doesn't always <> bracket < m@ID>'s.
// (e-mail address removed)
E++ ;
WhileBac( Ch > 32 && Ch != ',' && Ch != '<' )
if ( Ch == '@' )
// Count the ‘@’ characters in the mID.
cnt·At ++ ;

if ( â°â± && Ch != '<' ) {
// Remove newlines and spaces in the bracketted < m@ID>.
// Believe it or not, this actually happens ( Outlook ).
// [email protected]
LnP pBlack = P + 1, E· = E ; E = P ;
WhileBac( Ch <= 32 ); if ( !Ch ) return 0 ;

E = E·, wmemmove( ++P, pBlack, E - pBlack ), E -= pBlack - P ;
// Get the rest of the bracketted < m@ID>.
goto Join ; }

if ( cnt·At != 1 || ( sz·mID = E - ++ P ) < 3 ) {
// Skip·Over any mID that's under 3 characters long and/or
// doesn't have one·and·only·one ‘@’ character.
E = -- P ; goto nx·mID ; }

return sz·mID ; }
Hi Richard!

*Richard Bonner*:
*** As you can see, your simple tags look like crap. Please don't post
html to *text* newgroups.

Thank you!


X'Post to: <--
Windows XP Home SP3
Opera 10.52-3344
These so-called "respected experts" that keep trying to "tell" you stuff are just
dammed rude if you ask me...


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)

Re: Glorb's NNTP server http://Glorb.COM/usenet.php/

Although I use the “unfiltered†version,
it doesn't carry the so·called “binary*†groups.
( *: posts with attachments )

As I'm sure you ( Ed•Mullen ) are aware,
“Simple·HTML*†is “attachment·freeâ€.
( *: simple tags that a blogger might use, e.g. <CODE> and <A> )

I'm not going to read your links but,
if you've “written charters or FAQs†that prohibit attachment·free HTML,
feel free to quote them.
These are text newsgroups, [...]

... and the 'T' in "HTML" stands for "text".&nbsp; The distinction in Usenet is between text and binaries, not between text and text.
Tim Meddick said:
in message
These so-called "respected experts" that keep trying to "tell" you
stuff are just dammed rude if you ask me...

No, it is *you* sir who is being rude by continuing to ignore the
conventions and desires of the community in which you are
participating, and by encouraging others to do the same.


Arthur Dent, speaking to Trillian about Zaphod:
"So, two heads is what does it for a girl?"
"...Anything else he's got two of?"
Steve Fabian said:
Stefan Kanthak wrote:
| Courier New;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;}
HTML is one thing, but RTF? NO idea what this post wants to say!

MIME content types of both are "text/html" resp. "text/rtf".
According to the resident idiots "argumentation" HTML and RTF are a
completely acceptable form of presentation in USENET.
Just one more counterexample to proof those ridiculous statements

You people who "tell" others what to do, constantly amaze me!

I was told (politely enough, and with enough reason that I did listen, on that
occasion) that the "standard" OE-style separator cuts-off and makes unreadable part
of the message....

So, with effort on my part on every post, I delete the standard separator [--] on
purpose and instead insert my own [==].

But this is not good enough for YOU!

If this is not a good reason NOT to follow the advice of others (especially when they
are impolite in doing so and try "telling" you stuff instead of "suggesting") and
just do things how you like.

If, at the end of the day 99% of people (readers) can understand what you say then
what does it really matter.

If my posting was really that unintelligible then you couldn't respond to criticize
it, could you?....


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)

"Stefan Kanthak"
Courier New;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 "Tim Meddick" <\cf1\ul (e-mail address removed)>
\cf0\ulnone wrote:\line\line STOP crossposting without
FollowUp-To:\line Crossposting over different usenet hierarchies is BAD!\line\line
Well obviously this isn't one of them, is it?!
\line\line Obviously yours is a top post with completely superfluous full
quote.\line In medieval times any one of them would have
caused the then usual UDP.\line\line > ==\line\line And last, not least: the
signature separator is "-- ", not "=="\line\line >
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)\line\line [ braindead full quote
removed ]\line\line Stefan\par
So you think it "polite" to say that someone's work looks like "crap", do you?


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)
You people who "tell" others what to do, constantly amaze me!

I was told (politely enough, and with enough reason that I did listen, on that
occasion) that the "standard" OE-style separator cuts-off and makes unreadable part
of the message....

So, with effort on my part on every post, I delete the standard separator [--] on
purpose and instead insert my own [==].

But this is not good enough for YOU!

If this is not a good reason NOT to follow the advice of others (especially when they
are impolite in doing so and try "telling" you stuff instead of "suggesting") and
just do things how you like.

If, at the end of the day 99% of people (readers) can understand what you say then
what does it really matter.

If my posting was really that unintelligible then you couldn't respond to criticize
it, could you?....


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)

"Stefan Kanthak"
Courier New;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 "Tim Meddick" <\cf1\ul (e-mail address removed)>
\cf0\ulnone wrote:\line\line STOP crossposting without
FollowUp-To:\line Crossposting over different usenet hierarchies is BAD!\line\line
Well obviously this isn't one of them, is it?!
\line\line Obviously yours is a top post with completely superfluous full
quote.\line In medieval times any one of them would have
caused the then usual UDP.\line\line > ==\line\line And last, not least: the
signature separator is "-- ", not "=="\line\line >
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)\line\line [ braindead full quote
removed ]\line\line Stefan\par
Crossposting over different usenet hierarchies is BAD!

HTML is one thing, but RTF?

M. Karthank is just trolling, again.&nbsp; If you put "Stefan Karthak" into Google Groups, as I mentioned doing in this very newsgroup back on 2010-03-17, you too can put two and two together to make four.&nbsp; You can see a pattern of trolling behaviour that goes back for more than half a decade.&nbsp; I recommend taking Todd Vargo's good advice.

There's irony here, by the way.&nbsp; If M. Karthank actually knew xyr stuff in regard to Usenet and the Internet message format, xe would know about text/enriched and text/richtext, which is the MIME bodypart type that xe was apparently grasping for and missing.