On Sun, 5 Oct 2008 09:50:00 -0700, PopPop Faber <PopPop
What virus?
What do you mean by "had" as opposed to "have"? If it's gone, how did
you get rid of it?
& some of my Windows XP programs do not work correctly or
do not work at all.
Which programs? Describe exactly what they do wrong.
I there a way that I cam re-load XP with out having to totally clean
every thing off of my hard drive.
With a single virus, reinstalling Windows is overkill the vast
majority of times and shouldn't be necessary. If you reinstall Windows
correctly, it formats the drive and yes, you lose everything; you need
to back up any data you need to external media first, and be prepared
to reinstall all your applications.
Be aware that there is something called a "repair installation" which
does not cause a format and loss of everything. I personally think
"repair installation" is a poor name, however; it's much more a repair
than an installation. And it may well do nothing to help you with your