RE-Installing WinXP Bootup



I have a Dual boot with XP pro and Redhat

I want to take redhat off, but i need to Re-install the
bootlog to replace the " GRUB " bootup program for Redhat.

How can i do this?
I have only Window XP PRO CD.

Could u plz email me

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Sorry, I don't do email, but.....see:

How to Remove the Linux LILO Boot Manager

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Alex Nichol

Nath said:
I have a Dual boot with XP pro and Redhat

I want to take redhat off, but i need to Re-install the
bootlog to replace the " GRUB " bootup program for Redhat.

How can i do this?
I have only Window XP PRO CD.

Set the BIOS to boot CD before Hard Disk. Boot the XP CD and, instead
of Setup, take the immediate R for Repair. Assume any password
requested is blank, and TAB over.


(The second *ought* not to be needed, but do it as well, to be sure that
GRUB dis not get put in the partition rather than master boot sector)

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