Re-installing windows?



Evening Everyone.

I have my brothers computer, which is about 2 years old, and it was running
like a snail, you boot it up and it took 10-15mins to do so. So I tryed
restoring the thing!!!

All it is I am re-insatlling windows with the restore disk it copies the
files to HHD no problem, but then once it comes to installing windows it
freezez at "installing devies" it just dies. The HDD just make bit of a noise
while working so it could be that.

So I need to know does anyone have a soultion? or does anyone know of a
program that can check the state of the HDD FROM BOOT UP.

Please help!!!!

Thank You


There are viarious DOS-based disk checkers, obvious one is scandisk from a
windows 98 bootdisk. Alternatively, Ranish Partition Manager can do a
sector-by-sector test of the disk.

Assuming the computer has a floppy drive, you should be able to get
something suitable in the form of a DOS bootdisk.

BTW, the 'recovery disks' aren't all that reliable anyway - I'd also suggest
trying a real Windows disc, if you can lay your hands on one. It might just
work anyway ;-)


Ian said:
There are viarious DOS-based disk checkers, obvious one is scandisk from a
windows 98 bootdisk.

No you cannot access an NTFS partition from a dos bootdisk.

However you can run the HD mfg's dignostic

Patrick Keenan

bakke16 said:
Evening Everyone.

I have my brothers computer, which is about 2 years old, and it was
like a snail, you boot it up and it took 10-15mins to do so. So I tryed
restoring the thing!!!

All it is I am re-insatlling windows with the restore disk it copies the
files to HHD no problem, but then once it comes to installing windows it
freezez at "installing devies" it just dies. The HDD just make bit of a
while working so it could be that.

So I need to know does anyone have a soultion? or does anyone know of a
program that can check the state of the HDD FROM BOOT UP.

Please help!!!!

Thank You

If you suspect drive issues, a symptom of which is slow performance when
other things seem fine, replace it and do a new install. Then recover the
data from the old drive.

If you continue to poke at a failing drive, you only reduce its available
life. Drives are not expensive now and are very easy to replace.


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