got blue screen with registry file failure, dump of physical memory other
day, could not get on through last known config, so reinstalled windows,
problem: lots missing, especially network adapter, driver to get on dsl, had
tech come out, installed Linksys LNE adapter, still wont always connect,
Modem not found, If I do connect, web sites wont load, get page not found.
spent 2 days with sbc techs, they tell me I have spyware, can't do anything
else. I borow a computer, hook it up to my dsl modem, I get same problem, I
borrow a ethernet cable from somebody else. Problem fixed, I connect to
internet and sites load, on borrowed computer.. Question: Do I take out
Linksys adapter and put back my original network card and reformat my whole
system? Was it Spy ware as sbc techs said, or the modem and or cable? Do I
scrap the whole thing and buy a new computer? If any one can help with this
complicated problem, Thank you. I just cant talk to one more "Tech" for
hours over the phone! xp, service pack 2, norton internet security,lavasoft
no problems just crashed!
day, could not get on through last known config, so reinstalled windows,
problem: lots missing, especially network adapter, driver to get on dsl, had
tech come out, installed Linksys LNE adapter, still wont always connect,
Modem not found, If I do connect, web sites wont load, get page not found.
spent 2 days with sbc techs, they tell me I have spyware, can't do anything
else. I borow a computer, hook it up to my dsl modem, I get same problem, I
borrow a ethernet cable from somebody else. Problem fixed, I connect to
internet and sites load, on borrowed computer.. Question: Do I take out
Linksys adapter and put back my original network card and reformat my whole
system? Was it Spy ware as sbc techs said, or the modem and or cable? Do I
scrap the whole thing and buy a new computer? If any one can help with this
complicated problem, Thank you. I just cant talk to one more "Tech" for
hours over the phone! xp, service pack 2, norton internet security,lavasoft
no problems just crashed!