I have a sony vaio with win2k pro operating system but I
can't enter the windows because file corrupt & win2k
recomennded me to repair. I try it but failed because I
have not an emergency disk. So I want to reinstall the
system but win2k said that all of my folder aplications
will be deleted include "my documents" (there are many
important doc in there). There are 2 options
1. overwritten the previous system
2. make new folder (except c:\winnt)
what should I do ? & how to reinstall without delete "my
documents" folder ? thanks before.
can't enter the windows because file corrupt & win2k
recomennded me to repair. I try it but failed because I
have not an emergency disk. So I want to reinstall the
system but win2k said that all of my folder aplications
will be deleted include "my documents" (there are many
important doc in there). There are 2 options
1. overwritten the previous system
2. make new folder (except c:\winnt)
what should I do ? & how to reinstall without delete "my
documents" folder ? thanks before.