Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]
To get a non-default folder, you need to walk the folder hierarchy using the
Folders collections or use a function that does that for you. See
http://www.outlookcode.com/d/code/getfolder.htm If the result is Nothing,
then the folder doesn't exist, e.g.
Set objFolder = GetFolder("Personal Folders\My Folder")
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
' you need to create it
End If
Folders collections or use a function that does that for you. See
http://www.outlookcode.com/d/code/getfolder.htm If the result is Nothing,
then the folder doesn't exist, e.g.
Set objFolder = GetFolder("Personal Folders\My Folder")
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
' you need to create it
End If