Hello from Steved the below formula came fom Max
Please I am learning my way round so please bear with me
=HLOOKUP(A1,C4:AT125,A2,FALSE)it is returning #VALUE!
The above formula goes in A3
A1 is text Britomart I type in
A2 is text Barrack Rd I type in
A3 is number returns the Answer 12.6
I would like the above formula to lookup Britomart then
Barrack Rd and return the 12.6 as the example show's you,
it finds Britomart in G12 and then finds Barrack Rd in G13
and finally gets 12.6 from G14
G12 Britomart
G13 Barrack Rd
G14 12.6
Please I am learning my way round so please bear with me
=HLOOKUP(A1,C4:AT125,A2,FALSE)it is returning #VALUE!
The above formula goes in A3
A1 is text Britomart I type in
A2 is text Barrack Rd I type in
A3 is number returns the Answer 12.6
I would like the above formula to lookup Britomart then
Barrack Rd and return the 12.6 as the example show's you,
it finds Britomart in G12 and then finds Barrack Rd in G13
and finally gets 12.6 from G14
G12 Britomart
G13 Barrack Rd
G14 12.6