Since Windows CE has no different administrator mode, this is added
functionality on your device. I doubt if that can cause this conflict. Was
the .NET CF pre-installed? Are you sure you have the correct .NET CF
installed for the device's processor? What I would do is create the most
simple application, just create a new project with an empty form on it and
try to run that on the device. Are you sure you did not target PocketPC but
Windows CE as application type? Does your platform contain all modules
required for managed applications? Take a look at this article by Paul Yao
to find out which modules are necessary to run the .NET CF: If
possible you might consider re-installing the .NET CF from the VS.NET CAB
files (make sure to select the correct processor type). You can find the
.NET CF CAB files here on your development station: \Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio .NET 2003\CompactFrameworkSDK\v1.0.5000\Windows
CE\wce400\armv4Ultimately, you could post a new message asking if other
people have problems running managed apps on this particular device. When
the .NET CF is correct installed and when you are connected to your
development station, debugging should not be a problem. Of course I am using
another device, but I have never seen problems with the debugger once
connected. Oh, one last thing comes to my mind for the debugging issue. Did
you install the Windows CE Utilities for Visual Studio .NET 2003 Add-on
-B0CC-7C6C39B28762&displaylang=en). I realize these are all shots in the
dark but hopefully at least of some use.
Maarten Struys
PTS Software bv
Romain TAILLANDIER said:
I use a CE4.2 on my device, and i am certain that the CF is installed on it.
but i effectivelly have doubt about it. may be it doesn't work well. but how
make sure of it ?
which tests can i do, to be sure that the problem come from the CF ?
actually, i have two suspect for this error :
first, the CF, i can be sure it works correctly.
second, the administrator mode of my device. i believe that this mode may
conflict with the start address of my programm, or something like that.
I precise (think i allready donr it, but i precise ...

) that the device
is a DAP Microflex CE8640, with the lastest (and and may be quite
experimental) version of the adapted CE 4.2.
The technic support of the device assure me that the CF work perfectly on
it, and they of course never sax an 0xC0000005 exception ...
thank for any help
Maarten Struys said:
What version of Windows CE are you running? Note that the .NET CF can only
be installed on Windows CE.NET 4.1 or higher. Are you sure the .NET CF is
installed on your device?
Maarten Struys
PTS Software bv
hi group
Application MyApp has performed an illegal operation and will be shut
the prob persisst contact your revendor
Program : MyApp
Exception : 0xC0000005
address 03f886fc
i found this information :
An attemped read or write to/from an address to which that process isn't
allowed access. [Or from HeapAlloc() with invalid parameters/corrupt heap]
Usually this indicates a pointer error of some sort.
i can't understand where the error come from, because it seems to
happend before the start of the main, or before the first line of the
so does'nt due to my code.
I imagine that the administrator mode on my device isn't allow me to
excecute my .net app.
this device is a DAP microfex CE 8640. is someone has work on it ?
other point, how to use the debugger on the device ? i can't do it.
use it only on the emul.
note that the bug of wich i have spoken (is it correct english ??? :s),
never happend on the emulator.
any help welcome.