Mike said:
The record source is blank so it is unbound. Here is the code that I have
when the user clicks the add record button:
Private Sub Add_Record_Click()
' RS is for the audit name table
' RS1 is for the HR Dept Name Table
' RS2 is for the HR SR Mgr Name Table
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset, rs1 As DAO.Recordset, rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim tmpAuditEntityNum As Integer, tmpHRDeptNum As Integer, tmpHR_SRmgrNum
Dim tmpAuditEntityName As String, tmpHRDeptName As String, tmpHR_SRmgrName
As String
Dim Response As Integer, Response1 As Integer, FormBlank As String
Response = MsgBox("This action will insert the Audit Record into the
main Audit table." & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Are you sure?", vbYesNo,
If Response = vbNo Then Exit Sub
' Check to ensure data entered in key fields before adding records.
FormBlank = "False"
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmAudit_Name)
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmAudit_Entity_Name)
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmAudit_Start_Date)
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmTarget_Close_Date)
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmHR_Dept_Name)
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmHR_SR_Mgr_Name)
If FormBlank = "True" Then
MsgBox ("Empty fields not allowed to add form." & _
"Fix errors and try again")
Exit Sub
End If
' Form input fields from table use the first column when accessing the
' That is why name is moved to number.
tmpAuditEntityNum = Me.frmAudit_Entity_Name
tmpHRDeptNum = Me.frmHR_Dept_Name
tmpHR_SRmgrNum = Me.frmHR_SR_Mgr_Name
Set db = CurrentDb
DoCmd.Hourglass True
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
strSQL = ("Select Audit_Entity_Name ")
strSQL = strSQL & ("From tblAudit_Entity")
strSQL = strSQL & (" Where (tblAudit_Entity.Audit_Entity_Num = " &
tmpAuditEntityNum & ")")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Audit Entity not valid in table. Contact the application
Exit Sub
tmpAuditEntityName = rs!Audit_Entity_Name
End If
strSQL = ("Select HR_Dept_Name ")
strSQL = strSQL & ("From tblHR_Dept")
strSQL = strSQL & (" Where (tblHR_Dept.HR_Dept_Num = " & tmpHRDeptNum &
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If rs1.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ("HR Department not valid in table. Contact the
Exit Sub
tmpHRDeptName = rs1!HR_Dept_Name
End If
strSQL = ("Select HR_SR_Mgr_Name ")
strSQL = strSQL & ("From tbl_HR_SR_Manager")
strSQL = strSQL & (" Where (tbl_HR_SR_Manager.HR_SR_Mgr_Num = " &
tmpHR_SRmgrNum & ")")
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If rs2.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox ("HR SR Manager not valid in table. Contact the
Exit Sub
tmpHR_SRmgrName = rs2!HR_SR_Mgr_Name
End If
Response1 = MsgBox("Audit Entity Number is " & tmpAuditEntityNum & "."
& _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "HR Dept Number is " & tmpHRDeptNum & "."
& _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "HR SR Mgr Number is " & tmpHR_SRmgrNum &
"." & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "You Sure", vbYesNo, "Confirmation...")
Call Add_Audit_Rcd(Me.frmAudit_Name, tmpAuditEntityNum,
Me.frmAudit_Start_Date, _
Me.frmTarget_Close_Date, tmpHRDeptNum, tmpHR_SRmgrNum, Me.frmSOX,
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
DoCmd.Hourglass False
MsgBox "Record Added", , "Done"
End Sub
Okay, I see that it is unbound, and that you call another routine,
Add_Audit_Rcd, to add the record. After that, I gather you want to clear
the form. To do that, I would expect that code along these lines would do
the job:
Me.frmAudit_Name = Null
Me.frmAudit_Entity_Name = Null
Me.frmAudit_Start_Date = Null
Me.frmTarget_Close_Date = Null
Me.frmHR_Dept_Name = Null
Me.frmHR_SR_Mgr_Name = Null
Me.frmSOX = Null
Me.frmOperational = Null
It's possible I've "nulled" some fields there that should not be nulled, and
I may have left out some fields that should have been included. You'll have
to check that.
If any of those fields should be reset to a default value instead of Null,
you can set them with reference to their DefaultValue properties like this:
Me.<controlname> = Eval(Me.<controlname>.DefaultValue)
Please let me know if this approach works for you.
Aside from that, I'm concerned about somethings I see that may be errors in
your code. For example, the code that checks for blank fields:
Dim Response As Integer, Response1 As Integer, FormBlank As String [...]
' Check to ensure data entered in key fields before adding records.
FormBlank = "False"
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmAudit_Name)
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmAudit_Entity_Name)
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmAudit_Start_Date)
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmTarget_Close_Date)
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmHR_Dept_Name)
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmHR_SR_Mgr_Name)
If FormBlank = "True" Then
First, FormBlank should be declared and tested as Boolean, not String:
Dim FormBlank As Boolean
FormBlank = False
If FormBlank = True Then
But on top of that, the code you posted will result in FormBlank set to True
(or "True") only if Me.frmHR_SR_Mgr_Name is Null. That's because this is
the last statement executed in the series of tests:
FormBlank = IsNull(Me.frmHR_SR_Mgr_Name)
So the result of that IsNull() expression is assigned to FormBlank, and
that's the end of it.
Instead, you want to do something like this:
FormBlank = _
IsNull(Me.frmAudit_Name) _
Or IsNull(Me.frmAudit_Entity_Name) _
Or IsNull(Me.frmAudit_Start_Date) _
Or IsNull(Me.frmTarget_Close_Date) _
Or IsNull(Me.frmHR_Dept_Name) _
Or IsNull(Me.frmHR_SR_Mgr_Name)
There are other, possibly more efficient, ways to accomplish this, but that
should be pretty clear.
I'm also concerned about your use of "DoCmd.SetWarnings False". I see no
reason within this procedure for doing that, and the scope of SetWarnings
False should be as minimal as possible. You may have a reason to use it
inside the Add_Audit_Rcd procedure, in which case you should limit it to
that procedure. And any procedure where you turn off warnings should also
have error-handling in place so that there is no way to exit the procedure,
even in the event of an error, with warnings turned off.
In this procedure you have posted, there are lots of ways to leave the
procedure with both warnings turned off and Hourglass turned on. You should
correct that, so that (a) warnings are never turned off in this procedure at
all, and (b) there is no way to exit the procedure without turning off the
Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP
(please reply to the newsgroup)