hughtaylor said:
what is the best way to set up an e-mail link to say
"(e-mail address removed)" that actually ends up going to "(e-mail address removed)"
without Mary's real e-mail address being seen?
I assume that you want the email to appear to go to one destination, but to
actually go to another
This may be difficult when using mailto: since the address will appear in
the email prorgram.
However, you can prevent the address from showing until the email prgram is
opened like this (slightly modified from what I use):
<script type="text/javascript">sendEMail()</script>
In <head> or in an external JS file
function myEmail(to)
var userTo = 'mary'
var domainTo = 'hotmail'
var domainext = '.com'
return userTo + '@' + domainTo + domainext
function sendEMail(to)
var text = 'Email Us'
var subject = 'Response from ........'
var body = 'Please enter message here'
( '<a onmouseover="window.status=\'' + text + '\';return true;"'
+ ' onmouseout="window.status=\' \';return true;"'
+ ' href="mailto:' + myEmail(to)
+ '?subject=' + subject + '&body=' + body + '">'
+ '<img src="images/display/mailto.gif"><br />'
+ text + '</a>' )
See for an example
This places Email Us in the status bar and next to the image (which is an
envelope). So you could change this to read something else.
One reservation is that I have a feeling that amending the status message is
barred in IE7.
Trevor L.
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