Jack Jackson
When I display a DataGridView on a windows form, there is a left-most column
which is added by the system, the purpose of which appears to be to put a
small triangle pointing to which row is currently activated by the user. The
user can change the column width of this column. How do I access this column
programatically? Most specifically, how can I change its column width in my
program, and is there a way of hiding (i.e. make Visible=False) this column?
I'm using VB in VS 2008.
That is the row header. There are 5 properties of the DataGridView
that deal with how it is displayed, all begin with "RowHeader".
RowHeadersVisible controls whether or not the row header is displayed.
Some (and perhaps all) of the various events that deal with cells
(such as CellFormatting) get called with a column number of -1 for the
row header, which would allow you to have some control over how it is
displayed, to notice when the user clicks in it, etc.