Sue, thanks for the reply.
I have folder structure like
My Folder
Folder 1
Once I have a MAPI.Folder reference (oFolder) to Folder 1, I called
Set folder = gNS.GetFolderFromID(ofolder.FolderID, _
But, the folder it returned is "My Folder". Do you know why? How do I get
the "Folder 1"?
The two object models share their EntryID and StoreID properties, so you can
use Outlook's Namespace.GetFolderFromID or CDO's Session.GetFolder to get
one from the properties of the other.
You can use CDO in VBSCript.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Outlook and Exchange solutions at
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming: Jumpstart
for Administrators, Power Users, and Developers