Re: applying group policy does not seem to work :( ... please help !

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tim Hines [MSFT]
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Tim Hines [MSFT]

The first problem I see in the gpresult file is that it is not saying who
the user is and who the computer is. See below:

User Group Policy results for: (should show

Computer Group Policy results for: (should show

I suggest that you check the application log on the client for errors from
userenv. If there are errors post them in the group.

Are the clients pointing to a win2k DNS server for DNS and does that server
have the SRV records for the domain controllers in your domain? If dns is
not configured correctly then GPs will not apply.
It would be useful to enable userenv logging on the client, see 221833 How
to Enable User Environment Debug Logging in Retail Builds of Windows

You should also review 250842 Troubleshooting Group Policy Application

Tim Hines, MCSE, MCSA
Windows 2000 Directory Services

When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via
your newsreader so that others may learn and benefit
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Thank you Tim ! you were a big help ! I figured out and corrected my
mistake: i was not providing correct DNS entry and that was causing me all
the problem. Thanks once again!

One more thing, do you know a good resource for information regarding what
group policies to set for certain objectives ? for example, i need to
implement a policy that does not allow anybody in one of the OUs to share
any folder except for what the network administrator allows. i was searching
for a policy that could let me do that but i couldn't find it in dozens of
policies listed in GPO editor. I was hoping that there might be some
resource like a website maybe, where i could get answers to such questions.


Akhlaq Khan